Thank you to everyone who provided feedback. At the 1 September meeting, Council determined to support this planning proposal and amend the WLEP 2012 accordingly. You can read the Council report here (starts on pg. 136) and the Council minutes here (pg. 7).

The Planning Proposal aims to amend the Waverley LEP by adding an additional permitted use of recreation facility (indoor) on 201–209 Old South Head Road, Bondi Junction.

The recreation facility (indoor) is a gym which has been operating on site since 2015. The site is strata subdivided into 13 small lots and as such the risk of having a large use, high impact, indoor recreational facility is quite minimal. The gym has received only one complaint in its time operating and noise minimising refurbishments were made to the gym to minimise this impact as a response to the complaint.

The additional permitted use is considered a simpler means to achieve this outcome than rezoning the lot to B1 Neighbourhood Centre and as such Council supports the Planning Proposal.

Have your say

Post to:

Ross McLeod, General Manager

Waverley Council

PO Box 9, Bondi Junction, NSW 1355


Please reference PP–4/2019.

Or submit your comment below.

Please note that the comments submitted will form part of Council’s public record and as such can be made available for public viewing on request.

If you have any further questions please contact Patrick Connor, Strategic Planner on 9083 8085 or by email at

The survey form is now closed. Thanks for your contributions.