Have Your Say is Waverley Council’s website dedicated to keeping residents informed of major projects and opportunities to provide feedback on a range of matters.

What is on Have Your Say?

On this website, residents can expect to find:

  • Opportunities to engage with new Council projects or proposals so residents can contribute to Council decision-making.
  • Information regarding major public works, such as upgrades to streets, parks and community buildings.
  • Notices where Council requests public feedback on proposed new policies, plans strategies and services.
  • Expressions of interest to become involved in Council events or panels, such as through Advisory Panels or speaking at a Council meeting.
  • Surveys requesting feedback, including opportunities to vote for Council awards and prizes.
  • Notices regarding new Voluntary Planning Agreements for when a developer wishes to get an exemption from a certain part of planning restrictions in exchange for providing a public benefit e.g. money to fund new community facilities.

What is not on Have Your Say?

  • Have Your Say is not used to advertise or take public submissions on Development Applications (DA). To search DAs, use the DA Tracking Tool. To make a submission (i.e. to express support or opposition for a DA), refer to the Community Consultation page on Council’s main website for guidance.
  • Have Your Say does not replace standard Council engagement opportunities, such as Council & committee meetings and local Precinct meetings.
  • Have Your Say does not advertise broader Council opportunities such as new services, events, awards, grants or general news updates. Subscribe to the Waverley Weekly newsletter for these updates.

The primary source of information about Council services is waverley.nsw.gov.au

Creating an account for Have Your Say

Residents can browse projects on Have Your Say without having to register (‘Join’), however creating an account is required to make a submission on certain projects open for public feedback.

Creating an account also provides other benefits to residents:

  • Choose to receive project updates and be emailed of new projects that match the categories (topics) and/or locations (suburbs) of interest.
  • Residents with an account can also hit the ‘Follow’ button on certain projects to be notified of updates on that individual project.
  • Opt-in to receive the monthly Have Your Say email newsletter which provides a digest of all important updates.
  • Once logged in, the My Profile feature allows residents to amend email subscriptions to any projects, topics or locations at any time.

Please note, registering for Have Your Say is separate to other Council systems, such as e-Rates or e-Certificates.

Get email updates by topic or location

  • For new users, create a Have Your Say account and opt-in to categories (topics) and locations (suburbs) of interest during the registration process.
  • For existing users, login to Have Your Say (see ‘Login’ in the top menu), select ‘My Profile’ then ‘Edit Profile’. Click the ‘Edit’ button next to Categories and add/delete categories as desired (see example below). Repeat the process for ‘Locations’.

Edit Profile allows changing of email update subscriptions at any time.

Get email updates on a specific project

  • For new users, create a Have Your Say account first.
  • For existing users, login to Have Your Say (see ‘Login’ in the top menu), navigate to the Have Your Say web page for the project of interest and then click the ‘Follow’ button to opt-in to email updates (see example below).
  • Note, projects which only provide general information will not a have +Follow button.

Use the +Follow button on a project to get email updates about that specific project.