A spot rezoning request (Planning Proposal) for 34-36 Flood Street, Bondi (Yeshiva College) has been submitted by the landowner, which seeks to amend the Waverley Local Environmental Plan 2012.

The landowner has a submitted this Planning Proposal to facilitate the development of apartments on the site. To permit this, the Waverley Local Environment Plan 2012 must be amended from SP2 Educational Establishment to R3 Medium Density Residential.

The proposal was reported to the Waverley Local Planning Panel (WLPP) on 25 May 2022 and was not supported by the Panel. Subsequently, the proposal was reported to Council’s Strategic Planning and Development Committee on 5 July 2022 and was unanimously refused as the rezoning was seen to involve a change in Council’s long-established policy in relation to protecting SP2 Infrastructure zones for social infrastructure. The retention of this social infrastructure is important to continue to support a resilient community through the provision of spaces in which people can gather, and form relationships within the community.

The landowner appealed this decision to the NSW Government’s Sydney Eastern City Planning Panel via a ‘Rezoning Review’ on 13 October 2022. They were successful in their appeal. On 18 November 2022 the Department of Planning and Environment (DPE) gave the spot rezoning at 34-36 Flood Street conditional approval (known as a Gateway Determination) to proceed to public exhibition and then finalisation.

Council is no longer the decision maker for this spot rezoning, with the NSW DPE appointing themselves as the final decision maker.

Have Your Say

There is an opportunity for the Waverley community to provide their feedback on NSW DPE’s exhibition page. Please visit the NSW DPE website to make a submission. Feedback closes Tuesday 24 January 2023.

For more information, please contact Council's Strategic Planning team on 9083 8000.