
endorsed by Council

6 September 2021

CM/7.13/21.08 Voluntary Planning Agreement - 97 Glenayr Avenue, Bondi Beach (SF21/3457) MOTION / DECISION

Mover: Cr Lewis Seconder: Cr Goltsman

That Council: 1. Endorses the draft Planning Agreement attached to the report applying to land at 97 Glenayr Avenue, Bondi Beach, offering a total monetary contribution of $541,860, with $406,395 (75%) to go towards Biddigal Reserve design upgrades including a playground, landscaping, paving and seating, and $135,465 (25%) to go to Waverley’s Affordable Housing Program, in accordance with Council’s Planning Agreement Policy 2014. Minutes of Council Meeting 17 August 2021 This is page 22 of the Minutes of the Ordinary Council Meeting held on 17 August 2021

2. Authorises the Mayor and General Manager to sign and execute the agreement and affix the Council seal to the documentation.

Division For the Motion: Crs Betts, Burrill, Copeland, Goltsman, Kay, Lewis, Masselos, Nemesh and Wakefield.

Against the Motion: Crs Keenan and Wy Kanak.