The Community Strategic Plan

After each Council election, we review and update our Community Strategic Plan. This plan outlines the community's vision and what our priorities over the next 10 years will be.

Council is required to adopt the new Community Strategic Plan by June 2025.

The plan addresses four questions.

  1. Where are we now?
  2. Where do we want to be in 10 years’ time?
  3. How will we get there?
  4. How will we know we have arrived?

Priorities for the future

In the last two years, Council consulted the community to develop a series of strategic documents.

The following themes are issues our community would like us to address as a priority.

  1. Affordable Housing
  2. Managing Impacts of Development
  3. Transport, Pedestrians and Parking
  4. Supporting community wellbeing and strengthening social cohesion, diversity, and inclusion
  5. Availability and accessibility of infrastructure and public spaces
  6. Local Economy, Tourism, Night Time Economy and Local Business
  7. Maintenance of public infrastructure/ Local Centre Upgrades
  8. Environment/Climate Change/Trees/ Green Spaces and Biodiversity

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