The Development Control Plan (DCP) is a planning document that provides design guidelines for development throughout Waverley. The DCP is to be read alongside the Waverley Local Environmental Plan 2012 (LEP) as it provides additional planning and design guidelines that supplement the development standards in the LEP.

Draft Waverley DCP 2012 (Amendment No. 2) is the annual housekeeping amendment which includes changes in response to community, staff and Councillor feedback. Some of the key changes in this amendment include:

  • Update Part E1 - Bondi Junction in accordance with the recommendations of the Bondi Junction Urban Design Review;
  • Additional guidelines in relation to laneway development within conservation areas;
  • Revisions to car parking rates and design guidelines;
  • Introduction of new Coastal Risk Management and Energy Assessment requirements; and
  • Additional guidelines for Local Village Centres, height provisions for residential development and swimming pools.

The amendment also includes a significant change to the format of the DCP, making it easier to view online. A summary of the major changes to the DCP is available as an attachment on the right of this page.

You may also like to view Draft Waverley DCP 2012 (Amendment No.2) alongside the current DCP.

We're encouraging residents and local businesses to read the draft DCP and provide feedback on this plan. Your feedback will help guide revision of the plan before a final version is put to Council for adoption.

You can submit your feedback in a number of ways:

Submissions close 5pm on Friday 29 November 2013.

The survey form is now closed. Thanks for your contributions.