Thank you to everyone who provided feedback to our draft Reconciliation Action Plan 2019-2021 (RAP) when it was on public exhibition in September.
On 9 December 2019, we launched the adopted RAP, which you can read in the document library to the right.
This is Council’s second RAP, and will build on the achievements from the first. Our RAP aims to develop stronger relationships with our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander stakeholders, promote an inclusive workplace which has a strong commitment to reconciliation, provide more opportunities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, and contribute to a diverse, harmonious and resilient community.
Waverley is rich in Aboriginal cultures and history, and this should be celebrated and shared with the people who live, work in and visit our beautiful area. During our consultation around Waverley’s Community Strategic Plan in 2018, residents highlighted the importance of promoting diversity and inclusion, and encouraging Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander arts and cultures.
The RAP program provides a framework for organisations to support the national reconciliation movement. It includes practical actions that drive an organisation's contribution to reconciliation both internally and in the communities in which it operates.
The RAP provides an opportunity to enhance several internal plans and processes and to work together across departments towards Waverley’s vision for Reconciliation. The Innovate level of RAP has a strong focus on strengthening the internal structures to ensure inclusion and development of Aboriginal staff and programs.
Council’s draft RAP responds to the requirements set by Reconciliation Australia for endorsement and includes actions developed by the RAP Working Group in consultation with a group of stakeholders including local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander residents.
If you have a question about Council's Reconciliation Action Plan or anything related, please contact Council's Community Development Officer Joanne Harney at