Have Your Say about additional dog walking areas in Waverley
Waverley Council currently has several designated areas for on-leash and off-leash dog walking. Following community consultation, there are an additional four off-leash areas in parks (Dickson Park, Hugh Bamford Reserve and Waverley Park) that are currently undergoing a trial until 1st October 2013. In addition, Marks Park is also undergoing a trial until end of June 2014.
Waverley Council will install and maintain clear signage and dog litter bag dispensers at all off-leash parks. Rangers will work with the community to promote the principles of responsible dog ownership.
We would like you to have your say about a proposal for further additional dog walking areas and off-leash areas in Bronte Gully and Calga Reserve.
Council has been consulting on options for on-lead and off-leash in Bronte Park and Gully. In the previous consultation which closed in April this year, Council consulted on an option to have an off-leash area at the northern end of the playground area. There was divided opinion on this option and further submissions requested that Council consider an option for dogs off-leash along the flat area of Bronte Gully.
At the Council meeting held in May 2013 Council resolved to do further consultation with the community for the option of having dogs off-leash along the flat area of Bronte Gully either time limited 4:30pm to 8:30am or 24 hours. In addition, Council also resolved to investigate the option for having dogs off-leash at Calga Reserve as an alternative location.
To have your say on either of the proposed changes to dog walking, please fill in the on-line surveys below by Tuesday 6th August 2013.
- Please complete the Bronte Gully survey
- Please complete the Calga Reserve survey