The Waverley Local Environmental Plan (LEP) 2012 applies to the entire Waverley local government area and came into effect in October 2012. As with any comprehensive LEP, annual reviews are undertaken in order to ensure the plans are accurate and relevant. A number of matters have been identified in LEP 2012 which can only be resolved through an amendment to the LEP. This Planning Proposal in part relates to these matters.

In addition, Council in partnership with the Department of Planning and Infrastructure (DoPI), undertook an urban design review of the Bondi Junction centre which resulted in recommendations to amend some of the planning controls applying to Bondi Junction. The purpose of this Planning Proposal is therefore to also outline these amendments and subject to consideration of any comments made during this public exhibition, to eventually incorporate these amendments into the LEP 2012.

The Planning Proposal intends to:

  • Rezone certain land in Bondi Junction from B3 Commercial Core to B4 Mixed Use in order to permit residential development on that land;
  • Include a new local provision to prevent midwinter lunchtime overshadowing of public parks and plazas in Bondi Junction;
  • Rezone 91 Ebley St from B4 Mixed Use to R3 Medium density development and allow “office premises” as an additional permitted use on the site;
  • Allow “Registered Club (North Bondi Returned Services Club only)” as an additional permissible use on the site of 118-120 Ramsgate Avenue North Bondi;
  • Rezone 36A Flood St Bondi, from R3 Medium Density Residential to SP2 Infrastructure – Educational Establishment;
  • Rezone the rear 362 Birrell St Tamarama, from R2 Low Density Residential to RE1 Public Recreation;
  • Include 180 Campbell Parade in the Bondi Beach Conservation Area – General; and
  • Delete 23 Brown St Bronte, from the Heritage Map and Heritage Schedule.

Planning Proposal documents

Have your say

Council is inviting written submissions on the Planning Proposal until 5pm on Friday 23 August 2013 via:

  • post addressed to the General Manager, Waverley Council, PO Box 9, Bondi Junction NSW 1355
  • email to
  • complete the online submission below.

You can also leave comments at the Customer Service Centre or Library, where a hard copy of the Planning Proposal is on exhibition.

More information

For further information, please contact:

Alex Sarno
Principal Strategic Planner
Ph: 9369 8099

The survey form is now closed. Thanks for your contributions.