Community Workshop
Thank you to everyone who attended our Bicycle Strategy Workshop at Waverley Library on 2 May 2024.
People from diverse backgrounds, with varied levels of bicycle-riding experience, shared their suggestions and insights about bicycle riding in Waverley with Council officers and consultants. This valuable feedback will be consolidated and used to inform our Draft Bicycle Strategy and Action Plan to be presented to the community later in the year.

The survey below is closed, as the workshop took place on 2 May 2024.
As highlighted in the Waverley Community Strategic Plan 2018—2029, we want to ensure Waverley will be a place where people can move around easily and safely, and that our streetscapes are welcoming and inclusive.
Since the adoption of our Bike Plan in 2013, there have been a number of new strategies released by Council and the NSW Government. As such, we are looking to develop a new Bicycle Strategy and Action Plan to ensure infrastructure supports our objective to enable more people to safely and efficiently use bikes for transport and recreation.
What needs to be considered in a new Bicycle Strategy and Action Plan?
- Bike Plan 2013 prioritised five transport routes and one coastal recreational route, most of which were already in existence but were in need of an upgrade.
- Council's adopted transport strategy, Waverley's People, Movement and Places, outlines the need to plan and build separated cycleways on high priority routes.
- We've successfully rolled out the Bondi Junction cycleway, which is the first separated cycleway on a high priority route. This is consistent with the existing Bike Plan 2013, but future cycleways and the Council and community vision/roadmap should be clearly articulated. This is one of the objectives of a new Bicycle Strategy.
- Transport for NSW has identified a draft Principal Bicycle Network for Greater Sydney. This includes a range of proposed routes in the Waverley area where options and more definitive routes need to be analysed and included within a new Bicycle Strategy.
- Our Waverley Cycling Advisory Committee (established in 2018) has recommended that, apart from the necessary development of upgraded priority cycling routes, there is a need to develop lower-cost, small improvements, such as cycling cut-throughs, conversion of quiet street or lanes to shared zones, other forms of slow streets and shared paths, as well as trialling safer cycling routes before committing to high-value infrastructure. All of these should be explored as part of the development of the new Bicycle Strategy.
25 May 2022
Thank you all for participating in the Bicycle Strategy Action Plan consultation last year.
We received 198 responses to the survey, 373 pins on the map, seven individual submissions, two written submissions, three entries on the route information map and 12 people attended the workshop.
We appreciate the time you took to engage with us. All responses and suggestions have been taken into consideration for further stages of this project.
Key findings:
- 86% of responses were from Waverley residents
- 85% were frequent or regular bike riders
- 69% felt unsafe riding around Waverley
- 16% felt safe riding in Waverley
- 95% are comfortable riding on separated bike paths
- 72% are comfortable riding on shared paths
- 53% are comfortable riding on painted bike lanes
- 19% felt comfortable riding with mixed traffic in a 50kp/h zone
- 30% felt comfortable riding with mixed traffic in a 40kp/h zone
- 54% felt comfortable riding with mixed traffic in a 30kp/h zone
A report on the engagement was submitted to Council’s Strategic Planning and Development Committee in May where the recommendation was approved to conduct community workshops in the next stage of engagement for this project. The objective of these workshops is to further investigate a range of potential separated bicycle routes that will inform the development of the Bicycle Strategy and Action Plan.
To register for the upcoming workshops or if you have any questions contact us at
12 May 2022
PD/5.4/22.05 Bicycle Ridership Survey Engagement (A11/0612) MOTION / UNANIMOUS DECISION Mover: Cr Murray Seconder: Cr Fabiano
That Council:
- Notes the community responses received from the Bicycle Ridership Engagement Survey and Minutes of Strategic Planning and Development Committee Meeting 3 May 2022 This is page 7 of the Minutes of the Strategic Planning and Development Committee Meeting held on 3 May 2022 particularly the strong community concern about the safety of riding a bicycle in Waverley and the absence of safe bicycle lanes.
- Conducts community workshops to discuss and investigate potential separated bicycle routes that will inform the development of a revised Waverley Bike Plan.
Crs Betts and Goltsman were not present for the vote on this item.
13 July 2021
To develop a comprehensive Bicycle Strategy and Action Plan, it is useful for us to know where people are riding and where they would like to ride. You can share your actual rides or map the routes you would like to use by following the instructions below. This can inform any potential future bicycle routes and any associated infrastructure required.
Option 1 – Using Strava
Are you an existing user of Strava? Record your ride using the Strava App. You can then add 'Waverley Council' to your Friends list to share via the app, or email it to us at
Option 2 – Using Ride with GPS
Ride with GPS is a website and smartphone app that allows users to record bicycle routes. The website and app allow a free account to be set up but only the website will allow you to record a route that can be shared.
To begin using Ride with GPS, first set up a free account. When you have an account you will be able to:
• Draw a route on a computer via the Ride with GPS website using the ‘Route Planner’ tab
• Click to start and continue clicking to complete your route, double click to end
• Edit the route (or add/draw line segments if not able to be selected) or by dragging the ‘control points’ (these are the dots you clicked when drawing the route)
To share the route with us you can do the following:
- Add 'Waverley Council' as a Friend and share your route via the website or app
- If you don't have a subscription, please save the route and email it to us at
- If there is a specific detail about your route you would like to record, please email it to us at Please include the name of your route.
Option 3
Use another freely available mapping software that can be exported in a ‘GPX’ format and share it with us via email at
This survey is now closed
We want to understand your habits when it comes to riding in the Waverly area, and any thoughts or ideas we should consider in developing the new Bicycle Strategy and Action Plan. You can have your say by:
- filling in the online survey
- using our mapping tool below to let us know problem points and ideas
- sharing where you ride or suggest new routes
- participate in our workshop on Tuesday 7 September
- mailing: c/o General Manager, PO Box 9, Bondi Junction NSW 1355.
Please note that all submissions will form part of Council’s public record and as such may be made publicly available. Your name and contact details will be kept confidential.