In order to maintain Bondi Junction’s status as a Strategic Centre, we need to have a minimum of 10,000 jobs which requires a sufficient amount of floor space to accommodate these jobs. The recent development history of Bondi Junction has seen a trend of large-scale residential towers replacing the existing non-residential floor space with residential floor space. This has resulted in a high loss of non-residential floor space and therefore floor space that can be used for employment generating and knowledge intensive uses.
This Planning Proposal (PP) intends to create the provisions to protect non-residential floor space capacity and encourage non-residential floor space in the Bondi Junction Strategic Centre. The intention of protecting and promoting this non-residential floor space is that it may be used for developing employment generating and knowledge intensive uses.
This PP seeks to introduce a minimum non-residential floor space provision for all lots in the B4 Mixed Use zone so that the existing level of non-residential floor space is maintained.
This PP also intends to limit serviced apartments to the B4 Mixed Use zone as there are limited available sites remaining in the B3 Commercial Core zone that can be redeveloped for employment generating and knowledge intensive uses. The serviced apartment use which acts as a quasi-residential use, does not provide high levels of employment like non-residential developments and as such is being listed as a prohibited use in the B3 Commercial Core zone.
By improving the commercial integrity of the B3 zone and promoting employment generating and knowledge intensive uses in the B4 zone, Council secures much needed non-residential floor space to sustain the longer-term growth of the Bondi Junction Strategic Centre.
The intention of protecting and promoting non-residential floor space within Bondi Junction is in line with various endorsed Strategic Plans such as A Metropolis of Three Cities, the Eastern City District Plan, Waverley Community Strategic Plan and the Local Strategic Planning Statement; this PP gives effect to the objectives of these plans.
It should be noted that this Planning Proposal intends to make an amendment to the Waverley Local Environmental Plan (LEP) and is not proposing a specific development. A link to the NSW Legislation website where you can view the LEP is provided below.
Further information can be viewed in the Planning Proposal in the documents tab on the right.
Have your say
Submit your comment below
Email: referencing PP–3/2019 in the subject heading.
Mail to:
The General Manager
Ref: PP–3/2019
Waverley Council
PO Box 9
Bondi Junction NSW 1355
Please note that the comments submitted will form part of Council’s public record and as such can be made available for public viewing on request.
If you have any further questions please contact Patrick Connor, Strategic Planner on 9083 8085 or by email at