
Bondi Cycleway REF Report conclusions

29 May 2019

Referencing the REF Report, EMM Consulting concluded that:

The potential impacts of the proposal have been identified and are discussed in Chapter 6. Several short-term negative impacts have been identified for residents and businesses in the areas immediately adjected to construction areas. These impacts are likely to generally be in the short term (potentially three to four months per construction stage). Management measures have been proposed to mitigate the likely impacts. Primary measures include active communication with neighbours prior to and during construction, on-site physical and behavioural mitigations, and the production and implementation of CEMPs and TMPs to ensure impacts are kept to acceptable levels.

The project aligns with Council strategic, operational and policy objectives, discussed in Chapter 3 and community expectations as identified in consultation discussed in Chapter 4. Identified social impacts, as discussed in the SIA and Section 6.7 suggest that medium to longer term impacts of the proposal will be beneficial.

Once operational, amenity and accessibility will be improved through improved separated cycleway. Further, upgrades to pedestrian facilities and intersections will improve pedestrian safety and access. New street trees, street furniture and garden beds are likely to encourage recreational and opportunist walking, potentially increasing foot traffic around local businesses. The introduction of safe and efficient cycling facilities will also promote the health and well-being of existing and future cyclists within the LGA.

Therefore, the likely positive social impacts of the proposal outweigh potential short-term negative impacts. This proposal is in the public interest and is not considered likely to significantly affect the environment, threatened species, populations of ecological communities, or their habitats, and does not require further assessment under Section 5.7 of the EP&A Act.

Peer Review of REF and Review of Submissions Received

The REF was peer reviewed by an external consultant, LK Planning, along with all submissions received during the public exhibition. Recommendations from the Peer Review were actioned to ensure a more complete REF process.

The final version (V2 Final) of the EMM REF Report can be found at the link in the Document Library.

REF Outcome

Having assessed the Project in accordance with 5.5 of the Planning Act, and having regard to the REF documents, the General Manager of Waverley Council has determined that the Project may proceed. The implementation of the mitigation measures recommended in the REF Report will occur.

Next Steps

Now that the REF process is completed, Waverley Council will communicate with relevant community, businesses and authority stakeholders regarding the next steps of the Project. The channels of communication will vary depending on the stakeholder group and the immediate impacts of the Project.