
Proposal to lease Shop 1(a) at Bondi Pavilion

27 January 2021

Notice is given that Council proposed to grant a further lease in respect of community land to which section 47A of the Local Government Act 1993 applies.

The proposed lease relates to the premises known as Shop 1(a) Bondi Pavilion, Queen Elizabeth Drive, Bondi Beach NSW 2026. It is proposed that the lease be granted to Posidon Pty Ltd (t/as Surfish) for a term of five years and the premises used by the proposed tenants for the sale of light meals, coffee and drinks.

Written submissions on the proposal must be sent to Council by Friday 26 February 2021.

How to have your say

In accordance with the provisions of the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 all submissions will be available for public viewing upon request.