
Update 3 June 2016 - A renewed focus on consultation

3 June 2016

Thank you to everyone who has provided their feedback and ideas for the Bondi Pavilion Upgrade and Conservation Project.

The strength of community feeling about this project demonstrates how Bondi Pavilion expresses who we are as a community and is a vital part of our history. Heritage and culture is at the heart of this project and we recognise the need for us to do more to bring the community along with us, and work together to achieve a good outcome.

We are committed to a renewed focus on community and stakeholder engagement and enabling a more active dialogue with our community.

As such, an in-depth consultation plan is being developed. This plan will be presented to the next Council meeting, and will then be implemented.Please click here to read the Council report and Consultation Plan.

The development application for the project will not be finalised and submitted until after this new period of consultation.

Many aspects of the project have still not been decided. Community views are critical in deciding aspects of the project such as a Fair Use Access Policy for the building, theatre programming, and future uses for the first floor.

Later in the year, the project will be subject to rigorous independent planning and heritage assessment processes. These processes will also involve additional periods for the community to make submissions.

The project designs cannot be finalised and construction cannot proceed until all necessary statutory approvals have been gained. It is expected that these processes could take a further 12 months.

Council is committed to delivering a Bondi Pavilion that Council and the community are proud of, one that serves the needs of all users both now and for future generations.