
Council decision

30 June 2021

CM/7.9/20.10 Bondi Surf Club Conservation and Upgrade Project - Outcomes of Community Consultation

(A19/0172) UNANIMOUS DECISION: That Council:

  1. Receives and notes the Bondi Surf Club Conservation and Upgrade Project Consultation Report attached to the report.
  2. Proceeds to detailed design for the Bondi Surf Club Building incorporating consideration of the key findings from the consultation and authorises the preparation of a development application.
  3. Officers prepare an updated concept design to include consideration of the following issues:
    1. Position of exit ramp from the basement so that there is no conflict with the Bondi Pavilion waste traffic turning circle.
    2. Consider, for pedestrian safety reasons, relocating the refuelling bay and exit from ramp to the northern side of the western building rather than having it on the southern side.
    3. Reconsider placement of the kiosk, with preference given to relocating it to the northern side of the building.
    4. Provide further design details on the kitchen and amenities layouts, their location and how they service the function room, front building ground floor gallery space, and courtyard. Access paths for the kitchen and amenities to/from other areas in the rear and front buildings are to be clarified.
    5. Environmental issues of the two buildings and the centre courtyard, including air conditioning and roof fabric to mitigate overheating; consider a wind analysis to assess the impact of the wind on the centre courtyard, and any mitigation measures.
    6. Consider movable gates for the northern side of the inter-building open courtyard to prevent overnighters sleeping and to allow privacy should the surf club or council wish to use the open courtyard for a function.

Officers report back to Council with the final concept design prior to the lodgement of a development application.

Division For the Motion: Crs Betts, Burrill, Copeland, Goltsman, Kay, Keenan, Lewis, Masselos, Nemesh, Wakefield and Wy Kanak.

Against the Motion: Nil.

Cr O’Neill was not present for the consideration and votes on this item.

A Hoggett, P Ure (on behalf of the Bondi Surf Bathers Lifesaving Club Building Sub-Committee) and B Jackson (President, Bondi Surf Bathers Life Saving Club) addressed the meeting