
Progress to DA

30 June 2021

CM/7.12/21.04 Bondi Surf Bathers Life Saving Club Conservation and Upgrade Project - Update (A19/0172)

MOTION / DECISION Mover: Cr Wakefield Seconder: Cr Wy Kanak

That Council:

  1. Notes that the issues raised in Council resolution CM/7.9/20.10 have been resolved.
  2. Lodges a development application for the Bondi Surf Bathers Life Saving Club Conservation and Upgrade Project in late April/early May 2021.

Division For the Motion: Crs Betts, Copeland, Goltsman, Keenan, Lewis, Masselos, Nemesh, Wakefield and Wy Kanak. Against the Motion: Nil.

Cr Burrill was not present for the consideration and vote on this item.