DA Approved

The revised Development Application (DA) for Bronte Surf Life Saving Club and Community Facilities [DA-455/2022] was approved by the Sydney Eastern City Planning Panel on 11 April 2024.

We are delighted that the project has reached this milestone and look forward to working in partnership with Bronte SLSC and architects Warren and Mahoney to see the new building and facilities come to life.

Waverley Council also congratulates Bronte SLSC for securing $1 million in grant funding for the redevelopment from the NSW Government. MEDIA RELEASE

Council is working closely with Warren and Mahoney to have the detailed design package go out to tender in the last quarter of 2024, with a view to commence onsite work in late 2024.

To view the DA and related documents go to Council's DA Tracker and enter in the DA number above.
For enquiries please email majorprojects@waverley.nsw.gov.au

There are three members of the Surf Club and three Council Officers working on the development of the Surf Club.

Council entered into Public-Private-Partnerships (PPPs) with Bronte, Bondi, North Bondi and Tamarama Surf Lifesaving Clubs for refurbishments to each of the club buildings.

The Sydney Eastern Planning Panel assessed the revised DA that was submitted in October 2022 and approved it on 11 April 2024. The DA [DA-455/2022] and it's relevant documents can be viewed on Council's online DA tracker: https://www.waverley.nsw.gov.au/da

The estimated cost of the project has increased to $18,000,000. This is due to necessary design changes in response to feedback from the planning authority on the following matters:

  • Connection to country
  • Accessibility requirements
  • Coastal inundation and storm surge mitigation
  • Further escalation in construction costs

Council voted to increase its funding contribution by $4 million to a total contribution of $11.6 million and negotiated an updated Heads of Agreement to reflect this change.

Bronte SLSC, the non-for profit building tenant, through their own contributions and Federal, State and Surf Life Saving Australia grants will contribute $6.4million.

Timeline of Bronte Surf Club and Community Facilities Upgrade design and consultation process