The project will activate the commercial precinct of Bronte Beach while creating an integrated public transport interchange with an expanded safe and accessible pedestrian links between the park and the commercial precinct. The plans will seek to increase the available footpath for pedestrians along Bronte road by providing kerb extensions and improve the arrival experience and accessible link into the park to the north side.
The Local Village Centre DCP identifies the streetscape upgrade components as a high priority. Due to the requirement to upgrade the entry to the park, a holistic integrated approach is required to ensure the best outcome for the commercial interface, bus interchange and entrance to the park. The project is also supported by the Bronte Park Plan of Management with design directions listed in the action plan.
The upgrade aims to:
- Provide a unique arrival experience for users of Bronte Park and reinforce the connection between park and Village Centre.
- Provide an integrated link that connects the commercial centre with the bus interchange and park interface, creating a meeting place for people between the popular destinations of the beach and café precinct.
- Improve access and wayfinding for all abilities and users of the park.
- Facilitate bus turning and manoeuvres at bus transport interchange.
- Improve the arrival experience for people arriving or departing via Sydney Buses in the interchange zone.
- Improve the public domain at Bronte Local village centre.