In accordance with section 356 of the Local Government Act, Council is proposing to grant financial assistance to businesses at Bronte Beach Village with footpath seating affected by Council’s footpath upgrade.
The businesses to receive financial assistance are as follows:
- Muddle No.49 Pty Ltd (T/as Café Salina) $254.58
- Santos & Lay Pty Ltd (t/as Bronte Belo) $328.28
- Good Day Lim Pty Ltd (T/as G’Day Bronte) $530.39
- DM (Aust) Pty Ltd (t/as Bronte Grill & Bar) $463.75
- LJ Ocean Pacific Pty Ltd (T/as Jenny’s Café) $288.08
- Babu Foods Pty Ltd (T/as Pure Bronte Café) $377.41
- The Trustee for the More Family Trust (T/as The Bogey Hole Café) $884.35
The amount of financial assistance equates to the full value of footpath seating fees for a four-week period.
The assistance will be by way of a credit applied to the accounts of each of the affected businesses.
To comment on this proposal, please submit your feedback in writing by 5pm Thursday 17 October 2019 below.
- Email:
- Post: The General Manager, Waverley Council, PO Box 9, Bondi Junction NSW 1355.
Council will take your feedback into consideration before making a decision.
Need more information?
Please contact Andrew Best on 9083 8660.