Waverley’s streets are vital to the success of our community. Streets provide links for transport movement, and are also places for people to meet, shop and linger. Waverley's People, Movement and Places Strategy aims to make it easier for people to move around by improving the quality of our streetscapes and public places.
We want to make streetscapes more liveable, sustainable and equitable for everybody in the community now and into the future.
Council is planning to upgrade all of Campbell Parade so that the street is more liveable and attractive for everyone in the community.
What you told us
We ran a consultation in November and December 2018, and here's what you told us:
732 responses were received, with 304 people in person responses at our pop up stalls and 428 online surveys completed.
- 83% thought it was important or very important to have more space to move around safely
- 84% thought it was important or very important to feel safe in the space, with places to gather and sit
- 81% thought it was important or very important to have an attractive environment
- 64% thought it was important or very important to have wider crossings, traffic calming devices and pedestrian priority zones.
Next steps
A report is going to Council on 19 March 2019 for a decision on the next phase of the project.
If you have any questions about the project, email Robert Sabato, Council's Project Manager on robert.sabato@waverley.nsw.gov.au