
How it would work?

12 September 2018

If Council opts in, the zone selected for this legislation would be known as a ‘declared area’

Once a complaint is received, Council must first investigate to confirm if the boat is registered.

- If the boat trailer is unregistered, Council will attempt to make contact with the last known registered owner prior to commencing impounding procedures.

- If the boat trailer is registered, Council will record the current location of the boat trailer. If after 28 days, the boat has not moved, Council will provide the owner with 15 days’ notice of its intention to impound the boat trailer. This essentially gives the owner six weeks to move the boat trailer. If it is not moved it will be deemed ‘unattended’ and impounded as soon as possible.

Please note: If the registered owner of the boat trailer is not the same person as the registered owner of the boat then attempts must be made to notify both owners prior to impounding.

If Council chooses to introduce the new legislation, it will need to decide whether it applies to all areas of Waverley or only to certain streets. Feedback from other Councils has indicated that boat trailers are moved to areas where the legislation is not being implemented.