Since the 1970s, Waverley Council has been proudly managing a range of innovative family support and children’s services, enjoying a strong reputation for inclusion support, quality education and early intervention in the community. Waverley’s first formal child care service, Waverley Family Day Care, started in 1974, followed by Waverley EEC, Gardiner EEC, Bronte EEC and Mill Hill EEC. Over this time we have grown, changed and adapted to the shifting needs of our families and ongoing reforms in early childhood education and care services.

We want you to tell us how we can continue to provide the best start in life for babies and young children. The information you provide will help inform our Social Sustainability Strategy and target our support for local families in a changing environment. Reviewing our children and family services is part of Council’s commitment to continuous improvement.

Please take a few moments to give us your feedback. We value your ongoing support and cooperation in the provision of quality community services.

Submissions closed Sunday 24 November 2019.

Please state which communication methods provided by the service you are aware of:  Required
Do you or your partner have a disability?   Required
Which of the following best describes your partner’s employment status? Required
Please indicate which communication methods you have read or used this year: Required
Here are some of the way’s you or other family members can help, please indicate which of the following you would be able to get involved with: Required
In relation to Family Support, please tick what information would be useful to you. Required
Why did you choose BEEC/FDC/GEEC/MEEC/WEEC in the first instance? Please select all that apply.  Required
What time is most suitable for these services to be offered? Required
How old is your child? (select as many apply)  Required
Which of the following best describes your employment status? Required
Please state how satisfied you are with each of the following programming aspects, using a scale between not at all satisfied, neutral and extremely satisfied Required
Extremely satisfied
Somewhat satisfied
Somewhat disatisfied
Not at all satisfied
The PALS program
The ELLA Program (Chinese)
The ELSA Program (STEM)
The overall program suitably prepares my child for transitioning to school
Detailed below is a list of statements, please state how satisfied you are with each of the following programming aspects? Required
Extremely satisfied
Somewhat satisfied
Somewhat disatisfied
Not at all satisfied
Planned experiences are age appropriate and stimulating for my child
My understanding of the educational program
The focus on outdoor learning experiences
The focus on literacy & numeracy is age appropriate
The variety provided by the program to ensure my child develops skills in all areas: e.g. social, emotional, creative, thinking, independence, fine motor
The focus on learning about the environment and sustainable practices
The service philosophy and learning goals
The availability of aspects in the program that cover music, dance, language
Community learning experiences and involvement
My child’s half and yearly developmental summary/observations
The daily/weekly or fortnightly journals provided, include information about my child’s participation in the program
Please state how satisfied you are with each of the following aspects on the service Educator/s Required
Extremely satisfied
Somewhat satisfied
Somewhat disatisfied
Not at all satisfied
The knowledge of Educator/s in Early Childhood Education
The care and enthusiasm of Educator/s when interacting with my child
The helpfulness and support provided by Educator/s when I need it
The amount of feedback provided by Educator/s on my child’s development
The approachability of Educator/s when I wish to discuss my child’s progress
The stability and continuity of Educator/s at the service
The ability of Educator/s to effectively communicate
Thinking about the fees that you pay, how satisfied are you with these Required
Extremely satisfied
Somewhat satisfied
Somewhat disatisfied
Not at all satisfied
Please rate the following from excellent to poor.  Required
Very poor
The relationship between the Educator/s and me
The relationship between my child and the Educator/s
The overall care to meet my child’s health and wellbeing
The overall care to meet my child’s emotional needs
How satisfied are you with the following elements of the service Required
Extremely satisfied
Somewhat satisfied
Somewhat disatisfied
Not at all satisfied
The provision of a stimulating physical environment for my child
The inclusiveness of the service to reflect the cultures of the children attending e.g. through meals, rituals, celebrating special days etc.
The nutritional value of the meals provided (if applicable)
The resources and quality of materials that my child has access to
The provision of a safe and secure environment for my child
The general administration of the service (excluding management of fees)
The processing and management of fees (not the fees themselves)
The options available around days of care
Knowledge of Family Support services
Now thinking about all these aspects regarding the Educator/s, how satisfied are you with the Educator/s at the Service Required
Very satisfied
Very dissatisfied
Satisfaction with Educator/s
The inclusiveness of the service to reflect the cultures of the children attending e.g. through meals, rituals, celebrating special days etc.
Thinking about all these aspects of the service and its management: the environment, the meals, resources available and its administration, how satisfied are you?  Required
Extremely satisfied
Somewhat satisfied
Somewhat disatisfied
Not at all satisfied
The service including, management satisfaction
Now thinking about all aspects of the education program (indoor/outdoor learning) provided by the service, how satisfied are you with this Required
Extremely satisfied
Somewhat satisfied
Somewhat disatisfied
Not at all satisfied
Satisfaction with the educational program (indoor/outdoor learning)
Please state how satisfied you are with each of the following communication aspects: Required
Extremely satisfied
Somewhat satisfied
Somewhat disatisfied
Not at all satisfied
The quality of the communication
The frequency of communication
The opportunity for me to provide feedback
The feedback provided in the developmental summaries / reports /observations
The responsiveness to concerns or suggestions I raise
The information available about my child’s daily experiences
The use of digital technology to further enhance my experience
How satisfied are you with all of these communication aspects? Required
Extremely satisfied
Somewhat satisfied
Somewhat disatisfied
Not at all satisfied
Satisfaction with communication
Please describe your relationship with the child/ren attending the service? Required
In which of the following services is your child/ren currently enrolled? Required
At the start of the year the Centre held an orientation night on Zoom, were you able to attend this or watch the recorded video session? Required
In BEEC which of the following room(s) is your child(ren) currently in?  Required
Before going into specifics how satisfied are you with the service? Required
Has your partner’s employment status been impacted by Covid? Required
Are you aware of the Early Years Learning Framework which is used and referred to in the child focused documentation, for example developmental summaries and journals? Please select just one response Required
How many of your children, including children currently enrolled, have attended a Waverley Council EEC or FDC service? Required
How likely would you be to recommend the service to other families looking for an early education and care service? Required
Thinking about the indoor/outdoor learning program which of the following statements best describes your knowledge of the outdoor learning experiences?   Please select just one response Required
Where do you live?  Required
Have you ever recommended this service in the past to somebody looking for a place for their child? Required
Do you identify as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander? Required
How would you like these services to be delivered? Required
How old are you?  Required
Do you or your partner have a disability?   Required
Which of the following best reflects your living situation?  Required
Has your employment status been impacted by Covid? Required
How many early education and care services have you used? Please include all the services you have used in the past plus any services you are currently using Required
  1. Informal conversations at the beginning and end of the day #
  2. Daily or Weekly or Fortnightly Journal/Story/Updates #
  3. Developmental summaries/reports /observations #
  4. Pre-arranged Family/Educator meetings #
  5. Emails #
  6. Other #

Waverley Council Children & Family Services Survey 2021 

General communication 

Overall Satisfaction

Educational program 

Service educators

The Early Education Service 




You have reached the end of the survey.  Thank you so much for your time.

The survey form is now closed. Thanks for your contributions.