
Stage 2 - Results and updated concept

27 November 2018

Thank you to everyone who provided feedback on Councils plans for improvements to Clarke Reserve. During the consultation period in September and October 2018, proposed landscape plans were available to the community with a survey and a ‘Have a Say Day’ held to collect feedback from the community on the proposed improvements. A total of 68 survey responses were received; 62 online, 4 emails and 2 flyer responses. A summary of the findings of the consultation on this webpage.

Have Your Say
Based on the community responses further recommendations for improvements are proposed to include:
  • Expanding on the play experience of Clarke Reserve by installing a combination multi-play unit including slide instead of the suggested single slide.
  • Amending the proposed shrub planting species to a limited height of 1 metre.
  • Planting additional shade tree species around the playground.
  • Overlapping the garden barrier entrance to further deter dogs from entering the play space.
You can view the updated plans illustrating the improvement works to your right.

What happens next?
The updated concept will be further developed for construction. We are currently working through the construction program to find a suitable works schedule to minimise disruption to the community. In the interim new signage will be installed over the coming months.

Project Background
On receiving feedback from residents regarding safety and play experience in Clarke Reserve, a Council Motion was passed in July 2018 (CCM/7.11/18.07), suggesting improvements to Clarke Reserve. Landscape Plans were prepared to illustrate these improvements and community consultation was conducted from September – October 2018.