Update August 2021: Thank you to everyone who provided input into the development of the Cultural Diversity Strategy. All feedback received was collated into a Consultation Summary Report. At the 20 July 2021 Council meeting, this strategy was adopted. Read the final strategy, the Council report (starting from page 92), and the Council minutes (page 8).

Together with our partners, Waverley Council recognises, celebrates and sustains our culturally diverse community. A new Cultural Diversity Strategy will set out our vision and commitment to providing appropriate, equitable and accessible support for all.

View a snapshot of our multicultural community here.

What is the Cultural Diversity Strategy?

The Cultural Diversity Strategy sets out a vision and roadmap for Council, partners and the community, to work together to build and maintain a welcoming and cohesive Waverley for people from culturally diverse backgrounds, recognising that this will benefit everyone in our community.

It recognises that recent global trends and movements have local implications, including rising polarization and intolerance as well as an increasing focus on the importance of planning for cities and communities that are socially just and resilient.

How did we get here?

This strategy was developed in collaboration with local stakeholders and partners and informed by input from the wider Waverley community and industry experts, including Council’s Multicultural Advisory Committee. In total, more than 170 people contributed their feedback.

We also considered feedback already received as part of other Council projects, the 2018 Community Satisfaction Survey, the Waverley Arts and Culture Plan, and the Waverley Community Strategic Plan.

Read the full consultation summary report here.

What is included?

The draft Cultural Diversity Strategy is available to view here.

The strategy encompasses a range of cultural diversity priorities and actions that the community (both generally and industry-specific) have told us they want to see in Waverley. These have been segmented into five focus areas:

  1. Leadership and planning
  2. Connected and welcoming
  3. No place for racism
  4. Inclusion and equity
  5. Unlocking opportunities

For each focus area we have developed a series of actions and opportunities, and through their implementation we will work toward the vision for diversity and inclusion:

Waverley: Together by the sea

A welcoming, cohesive and resilient community where people of all cultural backgrounds can belong and participate in social, cultural, economic and civic life.

How to provide feedback

Consultation on the draft strategy runs until 6 July 2021, and you can provide feedback in the following ways:

  • Completing the survey online here
  • posting to PO Box 9, Bondi Junction NSW 1355
  • handing it into Council's Customer Service Centre, 55 Spring Street, Bondi Junction (Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm).

What happens next?

Once this engagement period ends, we will review the feedback and finalise the strategy informed by your feedback. The strategy will then go back to Council for consideration.

We will then start implementing the actions outlined – gathering information, forming project plans and working with relevant groups in the community to address each action.

Need assistance?

We are committed to making sure you can access the information you need in a format that is right for you. If you would like information supplied in another language or format, please contact us on 9083 8999.

Other helpful contacts include:

  • 131 450 to speak with the Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS)
  • 133 677 TTY/voice calls
  • 1300 555 727 Speak & Listen
  • 0423 677 767 SMS relay

Which section of the draft strategy are you providing feedback on? Required
Which of the following best describes you? Please tick all that apply. Required
Do you speak a language other than English at home? Required
Do you identify with any of the following cultural backgrounds, apart from Australian? Required
How did you find out about this consultation? (select all that apply) Required
Listed below are the five focus areas of the draft strategy. Please indicate how supportive you are of each. Required
Somewhat supportive
Somewhat unsupportive
1. Leadership and planning: Council will be an organisation that values, reflects and responds to the cultural diversity of our community and its aspirations. We will demonstrate leadership in promoting cultural inclusion and collaborating with our community, across levels of government and with other agencies to plan for a cohesive and resilient community.
2. Connected and welcoming: We will be a resilient community where residents of different cultural backgrounds have a sense of belonging and connection, where visitors and newcomers are welcomed and where people can exchange stories, cultures and traditions.
3. No place for racism: We will be a community where racial and religious discrimation and prejudice have no place, and those vulnerable to these threats are protected.
4. Inclusion and equity: We will coordinate, provide, facilitate and support services that respond to and respect cultural differences, while ensuring equity and facilitating opportunity.
5. Unlocking opportunity: We will recognise and enhance the aspirations and contribution of our residents and visitors to the economic, civic, and cultural wellbeing of the community.
Which of the following best describes your gender identity? Required
What is your residency status? Required

Vision statement


The survey form is now closed. Thanks for your contributions.

Thinking about your experience or the experience of the people you know, what do you think are the five most important issues for the Waverley area? Required
Thinking about your experience or the experience of the people you know, are there any barriers to participating in the community for people from culturally diverse backgrounds in Waverley? If yes, what are they? Please select all that apply. Required
Which of the following best describes you? Please tick all that apply. Required
Do you speak a language other than English at home? Required
Do you identify with any of the following cultural backgrounds, apart from the Australian? Required
How did you find out about this consultation? (select all that apply) Required
To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? Required
Strongly agree
Strongly disagree
Not applicable
I feel welcomed in Waverley
I have a sense of belonging in Waverley
I can safely access services that understand my needs
I participate in Waverley’s community life (eg. sports club, book club, precinct, volunteering)
I know my neighbours
If I have a problem, I know someone or a service that I can ask for help
I feel safe in Waverley
If I choose to, I can raise issues with Waverley Council
To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? Required
Strongly agree
Strongly disagree
Not applicable
I feel comfortable talking to people from other backgrounds
I have friends from different cultural backgrounds to mine
Cultural diversity has been good for Waverley
People from different cultural backgrounds get on well together in Waverley
People from diverse cultural backgrounds are made to feel welcome in Waverley
I enjoy attending celebrations and festivals for different cultural communities
I like seeing visitors to Waverley from a range of cultural backgrounds
I feel free to express my faith and culture in Waverley
I want to learn more about different cultures
Cultural groups should be supported to maintain their customs and traditions
New arrivals should make every effort to adopt Australian values and behaviours
Have you experienced or witnessed discriminatory behaviours or attitudes in the last twelve months in Waverley?  Required
Which of the following best describes your gender identity? Required
What is your residency status?  Required


Cultural diversity in Waverley

The survey form is now closed. Thanks for your contributions.