
Council’s transport strategic plan, People Movement and Places, commits Council to a transport hierarchy that puts pedestrians first, followed by people on bicycles, public transport, service vehicles, shared mobility and then private motor vehicles. The transport plan includes a range of signature projects and actions related to cycling including a network of separated cycleways, secure bike parking facilities at Bondi Junction interchange, bike parking throughout the LGA, facilitating active travel to schools and continuing to roll out the Waverley Bike Plan.

Public consultation on the transport plan revealed overwhelming community support for increased cycling infrastructure, in particular for separated cycleways, which were ranked by the community as the highest priority transport project for Council. On 20 March 2018, Council resolved to establish a Cycleway and Bike Facilities Committee to implement the cycling related actions of the People Movement and Places plan.

Call for Cycling Advisory Committee Members

We are seeking applications from members of the public who have a connection to the Waverley LGA and wish to advance the cause of everyday cycling participation throughout our community, to join Waverley’s Cycling Advisory Committee (WCAC).

Community members may simply represent themselves or may represent a group of special interest such as:

  • BIKEast Bicycle User Group
  • Schools in the Waverley LGA
  • Walking and/or disability access
  • Cycling industry such as local bicycle shops and the bike share industry

It is Council’s preference to have a broad representation of our diverse community and will aim for equal representation of men and women.

The WCAC meets four times per year. Refer to the draft Terms of Reference in the document library to your right for further details of this Committee. The Committee will agree to adopt the Terms of Reference at the first meeting.

To apply please complete the Expression of Interest form below and provide a basic CV indicating your skills and experience relevant to the role of a WCAC member.

Submissions close 9am Tuesday 12 June 2018.

Expressions of interest may be submitted:

Online: via the form below.


Post: Attn: Sustainable Transport Officer- Strategic Transport


Bondi Junction NSW 1355

For any further questions, please contact Council's Sustainable Transport Officer, Carolyn New, on 9083 8678 or

The Waverley Cycling Advisory Committee Members: Call for Expressions of Interest survey has now concluded