
September update: Consultation results

5 September 2022

Consultation results

The objectives of the consultation was to:

  • Advise businesses on Hall Street of the plan to help ensure the trial meets their needs or addresses their concerns
  • Gather feedback to refine and change the design concept before we install the trial
  • Inform stakeholders of the plan and promote Destination Hall Street to the community

On the first day, 43 businesses along Hall Street were spoken to by Council officers who also delivered 50 letters explaining the project. Of the 43, all but two were supportive. Since then, 18 businesses have worked with Council officers to expand their outdoor dining and are excited for the project to go ahead.

On 28 July, Council held an online information session attended by 21 community members. A recording of the session was uploaded to the Have Your Say and has been accessed by over 191 individual viewers. There have been over 2,900 people who accessed the Have Your Say page with 234 survey responses.

The social media campaign has been engaged with over 2100 people, between comments, likes, clicks and shares across Instagram, Facebook and Twitter. Officers sent more than 3,000 letters to residents and 190+ scanned the QR code to access the Have Your Say page. The Precinct Committees were notified by email and Council officers presented to Bondi Precinct whose motions and submission are included in the consultation report.

Of the 234 survey responses, 42% strongly agreed and agreed the community would benefit from a temporary pedestrian focused space on Hall Street, 47% strongly disagreed and disagreed and 51% strongly agreed and agreed that people would visit Hall Street and stay for longer if it was a well-designed public space, 36% strongly disagreed or disagreed. 44% agreed the proposal would provide a place to enjoy what the local businesses have to offer, 29% said it would be a place to be safely outdoors and 26% said it would be a place to connect with others. The main concern from the survey commentary was the impact of traffic on surrounding streets if vehicles could not access O’Brien Street from the west.

Of the 211 who provided qualitative feedback, 28% said they were either supportive of the project or would be supportive if the intersection of O’Brien, Glenayr and Curlewis remained two way, 26% said they were concerned about the traffic overflow into surrounding streets and 20% said it was a great project.

This feedback was reflected in the info session, most attendees seemed excited by the overall project but wanted to clarify how the intersection of O’Brien, Roscoe and Glenayr would work and whether this could be redesigned to be two-way.

The recommendations from the consultation are:

The key community consultation recommendations for the project

  • Investigate solutions for the intersection of Glenayr Ave, Hall St, O’Brien St

Review traffic impacts across the local area.

  • Consider active transport options and routes
  • Communicate sustainable aspects of the project
  • Prior to the trial, communicate the measures of success to the community
  • Continue in-depth consultation throughout six-month trial


  • There may be opportunity to increase greenery or improve parking on surrounding streets

Read the full consultation report