11 Victoria Street, QUEENS PARK NSW 2022
DRE Design has submitted a development application requesting approval to carry out the following work at 11 Victoria Street, Queens Park.
Alterations and additions to dwelling including construction of a pool room / cabana, new swimming pool and associated landscaping.
The nominated integrated development requires an approval (within the meaning of section 4.45) under a provision of the Heritage Act 1977 specified in section 4.46(1). The application is being re-notified for 28 days as required under the Schedule 1 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 No 203.
Submission Closing Date: 23 July 2024
You can view details of the proposal, including full digital plans and supporting documents on Council’s website:
You can also use this link to track the progress of the application throughout the assessment process.
Submissions should be emailed to:
Alternatively, submissions can be posted to Council’s postal address PO Box 9, BONDI JUNCTION NSW 1355.
If you wish to make a submission about this proposal, you must do so in writing by closing date: 23 July 2024.
Submissions about DAs must be made in writing and lodged within the specified time. If the submission is an objection, please detail the grounds of the objection.
Council will consider all submissions before making a decision. Anyone who has made a written submission will be advised of the outcome once the DA has been determined.
The proposed development is not a designated development, but is required to be advertised under the Waverley Local Environmental Plan, 2012.
For more information about the DA process, or to see lists of applications determined or yet to be determined, please visit our website or call the Customer Service Centre of 9083 8000.