At the 7 July Strategic Planning and Development Committee Meeting, the amendments to the Waverley Development Control Plan 2012, and the Waverley Community Participation Plan were adopted and are available on Council's website.
On 21 April 2020, Council endorsed the public exhibition of the draft Waverley Development Control Plan 2012 (Amendment 8) and draft Waverley Community Participation Plan (Amendment 1).
The draft Waverley Development Control Plan 2012 (Amendment 8) (WDCP) is a housekeeping amendment that seeks to:
- Delete Part A2 Advertising and Notification, as this is now covered by the Community Participation Plan.
- Restructure Part C Residential Development for greater clarity.
- Extended Inter-War buildings provisions to apply to all buildings typologies (not just residential).
- Strengthen controls to protect character of semi-detached dwellings.
- Improve security in the public domain and large developments.
- Correct spelling and numerical errors, and other corrections of a minor nature.
Please note that the proposed changes to the WDCP are of a housekeeping nature only, as Council intends to undertake a comprehensive review of the WDCP in 2020/21 to align with the Planning in Waverley project.
The proposed changes to the Waverley Community Participation Plan (Amendment 1) are corrective or seek to reduce the administrative burden on Council.
The draft WDCP is available to view from the 'Document Library'
Any persons wishing to make a submission in relation to the draft WDCP can do so in writing to the General Manager until Monday 15 June 2020.
Please quote reference number SF20/2887, and address any correspondence to:
The General Manager
Waverley Council
PO Box 9
Bondi Junction NSW 1355
By post or email at
Please note that all submissions will form part of Council’s public record and as such can be made available for public viewing on request.
Telephone enquiries can be directed to Waverley Council’s Principal Strategic Planner on 9083 8057.