
The Waverley Creative Lighting Strategy

29 August 2018

Strategy Initiative
The Waverley Creative Lighting Strategy has been developed in response to the Council vision to create “a memorable application of light that integrates social gathering, public health and safety, sustainability and economic vitality into the urban environment”.

The Strategy establishes an overall vision for the night-time journey and sets technical and design parameters for the creation of a holistic, sustainable and legible night-time environment that is vibrant and engaging after dark.

The strategy promotes a connected, inviting and memorable environment that supports active movement and use of Waverley’s public spaces at night time. It celebrates sense of place and the unique identity of each area within the overall Waverley LGA whilst maintaining a consistent visual language.
As well as the functional approach to lighting, the Strategy recognises light as a significant contributor to the precinct’s quality, as a means of artistic expression and as a contributor to the character of each area
The strategy provides a framework for the implementation of lighting initiatives over a ten year period setting priorities and assisting in the transition of asset management to the Council and in the preparation of funding.

Structure and Approach
A Three-Tier Approach will be applied to the lighting strategy to provide a level of consistency and visual connection as well as being used to define a legible nightscape. The three tiers consist of:
  1. Base lighting for orientation and safe movement
  2. Architectural, urban and landscape lighting components to enhance the pedestrian experience and support pedestrian amenity
  3. Lighting interventions which are site-specific installations.