EOI period now closed

Between 2 - 30 May, Council received several Expressions of Interest for positions on the Sydney Eastern City Planning Panel. Submissions are being considered by the General Manager and delegates. Up to four applicants will be selected for the Panel and they will be notified in due course.


Sydney and Regional Planning Panels were established in NSW in 2016 for decision-making of regionally significant development and certain other planning functions under the EP&A Act, 1979. The Panel:

  • determines ‘regionally significant’ development applications and modifications as outlined in State Environmental Planning Policy Planning Systems 2021, including development with a capital investment value over $30 million, and Council, Crown, or community facility-related applications with a capital investment value over $5 million;
  • acts as the Planning Proposal Authority when directed;
  • undertakes rezoning reviews; provides advice on other planning and development matters when requested.

The Panel consists of three members appointed by the State Government and two community members nominated by Waverley Council. Community representatives must be able to demonstrate professional expertise in the areas of urban design, planning, architecture, or similar discipline, demonstrate their knowledge of the local area, and be able to represent and communicate the interests of the local community at Panel meetings.

The Panel typically meets three or four times per year on Waverley-related matters. Membership is for three years and is paid per rates set by the NSW government.

Mayors, Councillors, property developers, and real estate agents are not eligible for appointment.

For further details about the operation of the Panel refer to planningportal.nsw.gov.au/planningpanels.