In 2022, the Gujaga Foundation, in consultation with the La Perouse Local Aboriginal Land Council undertook a cultural audit of 20 sites in the Waverley Local Government area. As a result of this audit, a number of recommendations were made to Council, including changing the names of two reserves. Other recommendations were around managing and protecting sites of significance and sharing stories and acknowledging local culture and language through events, activities and information.

Council endorses the recommendations from the Gujaga Foundation, and is supported by the Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) Advisory Committee to apply to the Geographical names Board of NSW to change the names of the following:

• Eora Reserve to Dharawal Reserve, Bondi Junction
• Biddigal Reserve to Birrabirragal Reserve, North Bondi

The RAP Advisory Committee was established to support implementation of Council’s Innovate Reconciliation Action Plan. The objective of the Committee is to provide cultural advice, guidance, feedback and support around implementation and monitoring of actions, projects and commitments identified in the RAP. The Gujaga Foundation is the peak organisation leading language, cultural and research activities within the La Perouse Aboriginal community. Gujaga works collaboratively with Elders, knowledge holders and leading academics.

Next Steps

The NSW Geographical Names Board (GNB) is the official body for naming and recording details of places and geographical names in NSW. This includes determining the spelling, pronunciation, origin and history of geographical names.

Place names are expected to be enduring and changes are discouraged unless the name change is considered in the public interest, is offensive or for safety reasons.

The GNB have policies to guide the naming process which are aimed at ensuring community input, giving all interested parties a say in a naming decision and minimising double up of names.

Place renaming is a two-step consultation process with the community.

Step 1

To support Council’s submission to the GNB to change a place name, Council must demonstrate local community support for the suggested name change/s.

The feedback from this HYS process will be reported to Council for final determination of whether an application for a place name change will be submitted to GNB.

Step 2

If approved by Council, an application to change the place/s name will be lodged with the GNB.

The GNB will publicly advertise the proposal nationally for 28 days seeking submission on the proposal.

The GNB will request a response from Council in submissions received before deliberating on whether to approve the name change.

Officially approved name changes will then be advertised in the Government Gazette.

Biddigal Reserve in North Bondi (left) and Eora Reserve in Bondi Junction (right)