About the Consultation:
We're launching the first EV infrastructure strategy for the eastern suburbs region. The numbers of electric vehicles (EVs) on our roads are rapidly increasing as more affordable models enter the market and Federal and State Government provide incentives to lower the purchase cost of new EVs. Currently, the eastern suburbs is home to over 2,000 EVs, with this number set to double year on year.
The growing demand for these cleaner, more efficient vehicles has led to greater demands for publicly available EV charging infrastructure. This is especially the case in the eastern suburbs which is a hotspot for EV uptake and where more than 60% of residents live in multi-unit dwellings or rent.
While most EV charging occurs at home or work, a significant portion of dwellings lack off-street parking, so public charging stations will serve as their primary charging method.
The draft Eastern Suburbs Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Strategy 2023 - "Leading the Charge" outlines the vision and required EV infrastructure needed through to 2030 and determines where and how to implement such infrastructure across Waverley, Randwick and Woollahra local government areas (LGAs).
This strategy has been drafted with extensive community consultation, analysis of the existing market and peer review by industry experts.
The draft strategy demonstrates that the transition to EVs is the second largest change required to achieve net-zero emissions in the Eastern Suburbs, with the potential to decrease emissions by 33% by 2050. It illustrates how Council, in partnership with the private sector, as well as Federal and State Governments, can spearhead the adoption of EVs by accelerating the rollout of public EV charging infrastructure.
Where will EV chargers be installed?
This draft strategy does not identify specific sites for EV charging infrastructure, rather it take a ‘place-based approach’ to identifying charging needs and sets targets for different types of chargers in the region’s neighbourhood, local and regional centres. Prior to installation, specific sites will require environmental approvals, approvals by Council's Traffic Committees as well as community consultation.
Although refuelling of vehicles is a private matter, Council plays a crucial role in facilitating the market for on-street charging around local and neighbourhood centers as well as high-density residential areas, where there is a shortage of private investment and space for larger EV charging hubs. In 2019, the 3-Councils were the first in NSW to establish Charging the East, a network of Council owned public charging stations, which currently consists of 45 charging ports.
Have Your Say
Waverley, Randwick and Woollahra Councils are now seeking feedback on the draft Eastern Suburbs Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Strategy 2023 - "Leading the Charge".
Your comments are important to us and feedback will be considered in the final version of the document.
Feedback was open for 28 days between 30 August and 27 September 2023 and has now closed.