
Update - consultation period closed

9 September 2022

Thank you to those who participated in the public exhibition for the Draft Waverley DCP (Amendment 10) - Flood Areas. The exhibition was open from 23 June to 21 July 2022. During this time, we sent out over 10,000 letters and had 1,500+ visits to Council’s Have Your Say page with 45 submissions received to date.

We have started to collate, review and address the feedback so we can respond to those who asked specific questions and create a detailed report on the concerns raised.

To ensure all enquiries are properly addressed we have:

  1. Engaged an independent flood consultant to review all of the submissions and provide guidance on the concerns.
  2. Sort advice on insurance implications for both Council and residents.

This process will take approximately 2-3 months to complete with a proposed report to Council in November 2022.

Please note that if we have not yet responded to any questions you may have asked, we are working towards doing so as soon as possible. We will keep you updated as this progresses and thank you for your patience.

Please email us if you have any further queries:

Thank you