
Project progresses

30 June 2021

Bronte Road - Pedestrian Movements at Pacific Street - Community Consultation Outcomes (SF21/2623) MOTION / DECISION

Mover: Cr Masselos Seconder: Cr Copeland

That Council:

  1. Receives and notes the summary of community feedback attached to the report on improving pedestrian safety at the intersection of Bronte Road and Pacific Street, Bronte.
  2. Notes that more than 75% of respondents supported a form of pedestrian safety treatment at this location.
  3. Endorses the community preference of Option 3 as set out in the report: a footpath connection from Pacific street to the Bronte Village shops on the western side of Bronte Road and pedestrian crossing points on Bronte Road and Pacific Street.
  4. Proceeds to detailed design and the construction of Option 3, with a report to be considered by the Minutes of Strategic Planning and Development Committee Meeting 8 June 2021 This is page 14 of the Minutes of the Strategic Planning and Development Committee held on 8 June 2021 Waverley Traffic Committee before proceeding to procurement for the construction phase.

Crs Burrill, Keenan and Nemesh were not present for the consideration and vote on this item.