
There is a demand from Waverley residents for additional parking spaces to reduce the number of cars parking on the street.

Council has identified that Hollywood Car Park has available capacity that could be utilised by Waverley residents at a reduced rate.

The Proposal

Council is proposing to amend the existing monthly pass cardholders’ scheme to include a reduced rate for Waverley residents. The current full rate of a monthly pass is $280 per month. Council is proposing to provide a 50% subsidy for resident, reducing the cost to $140 per month. This is unreserved – available daily, arrive after 5pm, exit before 9am.



2019/20 Fee or Charge $


Pricing Policy

Waverley Resident - Hollywood Avenue Car Park Monthly Parking Permit (unreserved)

Per month




Table A: Proposed Fee for a reduced resident fee for Hollywood Car Park monthly pass

The reduced fee would also be applied to Waverley residents who are existing pass cardholders.

The eligibility criteria to receive the discounted fee would be the same as for the residential parking permit scheme.

Have Your Say

If you would like to provide feedback on the proposed permit, please use the form below to make a submission between 25 March – 21 April 2020.

Any questions?

Please contact Council’s Car Park Supervisor, Gregory Carter on 9083 8550 or

The survey form is now closed. Thanks for your contributions.