
Marks Park Playground Consultation

6 June 2019

Consultation has concluded

Waverley Council is planning to upgrade Marks Park Playground. This upgrade is required to bring all the play equipment up to date with the latest Australian Standards for safety, as well as improve the play experience of the existing play space as identified in Waverley Council’s Play Space Strategy (PSS).

Have Your Say

Thank you for participating in the community consultation for Marks Park Playground. The concept has been updated with consideration of your feedback. The updated concept can be found in the document library in the top right of the page.

Key improvements proposed in the concept include:

  • Provide a range of play experiences and cater to a range of age groups through active, imaginative, creative, social, quiet and free play
  • Increase safety by incorporating barriers/ fencing to busy roadways, more signage – e.g. near dog off leash area
  • Connect the playground to the amenities building with a universally accessible path
  • Create play spaces that are sensitive to the cultural values of the community and strengthen the sense of place.

Community Consultation Results

The community feedback indicates the proposed draft concept generally meets community expectations and requirements. The detailed development of the playground design will continue, with consideration of specific play related community comments.

Respondents to the survey raised items that were not play experience related, these include the installation of a shade structure, better dog off-leash management, and a circulation path around Marks Park. Council officers had considered these items and a detailed response can be found in the Community Consultation Summary in the Documents library.

What happens next?

The updated concept will be further developed for construction. During this time, Council will take steps to acquire the play equipment best suited to the desired play experience. We are currently working through the construction program to find a suitable works schedule to minimise disruption to previously organised events and the community.