Nominations are now open

Presented for excellence in research in the creation of a literary work of merit.

The Mark & Evette Moran Nib Literary Award is Waverley Council’s annual celebration of the best in Australian research and writing. Established in 2002 as The Nib Waverley Library Award for Literature, this prestigious prize has so far distributed around $400,000 directly to deserving Australian authors.

Entries are open to all Australian writers regardless of their experience, subject matter or genre. Submitted works are judged against the specific award criteria of excellence in research, high level of literary merit, readability and value to the community. Finalists and the major award winner will be decided by an independent panel of three judges each of whom bring a wealth of experience from across the literary world. The People's Choice Prize winner is decided by popular vote from the group of finalists named by the Nib Award judges.

In 2020 the award program will be made up of a suite of 8 prizes, awarded across 3 categories:

  • Alex Buzo Shortlist Prize (6 prizes) - $1,000 each
  • Mark and Evette Moran Nib Literary Award (the major award) - $20,000
  • Nib People’s Choice Prize - $1,000

Nominations close Monday 22 June 2020.

Residential status Required
Residential status Required
Is more than one author responsible for this work? Required
Payment Required
I understand that my nomination is not valid until the organisers have received a fully completed nomination form; including an extract or publishers blurb, entry fee and five copies of the nominated work (or three printed copies in the case of electronic Required
Subscribe me to the monthly Nib News enewsletter for the latest information on the Nib Award including competition updates. Required
I have read and accept the Award Nomination Guidelines for The Mark & Evette Moran Nib Literary Award 2020 and hereby nominate this work for the judges' consideration Required
I am: Required
How did you become aware of this award? Required
I am: Required

Nomination information

Author's Details

Submission details

Joint author details (if applicable)

Supporting documents

Terms and conditions

Details of Nominator (if applicable)


The survey form is now closed. Thanks for your contributions.