To ensure that Waverley Council can continue to provide a safe space to the local community for outdoor recreation, necessary remediation and upgrade works will be undertaken at Niblick Street Reserve.
The remediation of this reserve is based on the initial recommendations from a Due Diligence Contamination Assessment by Geotechnical and Environmental Specialist, Coffey in December 2015.
Following this initial assessment, Waverley Council engaged JBS&G Environmental Consultants to undertake a Remediation Action Plan, which detailed the scope of works and the work methodology required to ensure that the remediation works are undertaken in accordance with statutory requirements while mitigating any potential risks to the public.
The remediation and upgrade of Niblick Street Reserve will involve the following activities:
- Retention and protection of 8 trees
- Removal of 2 trees (due to poor health)
- Removal of all furniture and fixtures
- Removal up to 500mm of soil across the site
- Removal of 100mm within the tree protection zone
- Installation of geofabirc demarcation layer
- Importation of certified soil
- Reinstatement of the landscape including the following:
- New furniture including seats, bins and a bubbler
- New swing set
- Softfall
- New plantings including advanced trees
- New turf
- New accessible path
The remediation works will be undertaken by a suitably skilled and experienced remediation contractor͕ and an environmental hygienist will also monitor and survey the remediation works. During this time, the footprint of the works will be fenced off and a construction zone will be in place along Niblick Street. We expect there will be construction noise during this work, however we will make every effort to minimise the inconvenience to you by ensuring that no machines or loud works occur prior to 7.30am.͘ We expect works to commence in late July/ early August 2017, and last for approximately 12 weeks.
Landscape Options
Waverley Council have prepared two concept Landscape Plans for the reinstatement of the
landscape finishes. These can be found in the document library to your right. We would appreciate your feedback on these Landscapes via the survey below or at the Have Your Say Day at Niblick Street Reserve on Saturday 13 May 2017, from 10am to 1pm.
More information?
If you would like more information on this project, please contact the Senior Project Manager Adrian Collins on 02 9083 8631.