
August 2021 Update

4 August 2021

Thank you to everyone who participated in the consultation for the improvement works to Onslow Street Reserve, Rose Bay. Your involvement has allowed us to collect meaningful data and insight into how you use the park, and what you would like to see in the new works.

The engagement revealed 47.6% of residents were very supportive of the concept design and a further 35.7% were somewhat supportive, with most people in these groups visiting the park daily or most days of the week. All feedback received was collated into a Consultation Summary Report.

In responding to your feedback and detailed comments, the team has been able to make some informed changes and additions to the proposed design for Onslow Reserve’s renewal.

The new inclusions are as follows:

  • existing timber bollards will be removed and replaced with a new garden bed strip to the footpath and a low steel garden fence

  • new trees will be planted in the existing garden bed in front of the fence along the western boundary

  • an additional bench seat has been added to the playground area.

Council is progressing with the detailed design and documentation stage of the project over the next month in preparation for construction later this year.

Thanks again for taking the time to let us know your thoughts on this project.