At the September 2019 meeting Council resolved to amend the Schedule of Fees and Charges 2019-2020 in two areas. These amendments are detailed below and will be on public exhibition for a minimum period of 28 days, in accordance with section 610F of the Local Government Act 1993.
Proposed amendments
1. Early Education Centres – Bond fee
The bond is paid by families on enrolment, and is returned to them when they leave the service after payment of any outstanding fees and charges incurred while the child attends Council’s Early Education Centres. A small amendment to the enrolment bond is proposed to ensure families are being charged a bond fee for their enrolment days only. This will assist families with their fee payments as fees are charged two weeks in advance.
Table 1.1. Adopted fees 2019–20 – Early education centres.
Category | Unit | 2019/20 Fee or Charge $ | GST | Pricing Policy |
Enrolment Bond * | ||||
Children under 3 years of age (1-3 days per week) | per bond | 700.00 | Exempt | G |
Children under 3 years of age (4-5 days per week) | per bond | 1200.00 | Exempt | G |
Children 3 years of age and over (1-3 days per week) | per bond | 700.00 | Exempt | G |
Children 3 years of age and over (4-5 days per week) | per bond | 1200.00 | Exempt | G |
Daily fee per child - in rooms for children under 3 years of age (included here for reference only) | per day | 122.00 | Exempt | B |
Daily fee per child - in rooms for children 3 years of age and over (included here for reference only) | per day | 116.00 | Exempt | B |
Table 1.2. Proposed fees Early education centres.
Category | Unit | 2019/20 Fee or Charge $ | GST | Pricing Policy |
Enrollment Bond * | ||||
Children under 3 years of age (2 days per week) | per bond | 488.00 | Exempt | G |
Children under 3 years of age (3 days per week) | per bond | 732.00 | Exempt | G |
Children under 3 years of age (4 days per week) | per bond | 976.00 | Exempt | G |
Children under 3 years of age (5 days per week) | per bond | 1220.00 | Exempt | G |
Children 3 years of age and over (2 days per week) | per bond | 464.00 | Exempt | G |
Children 3 years of age and over (3 days per week) | per bond | 696.00 | Exempt | G |
Children 3 years of age and over (4 days per week) | per bond | 928.00 | Exempt | G |
Children 3 years of age and over (5 days per week) | per bond | 1160.00 | Exempt | G |
Daily fee per child - in rooms for children under 3 years of age (included here for reference only) | per day | 122.00 | B | |
Daily fee per child - in rooms for children 3 years of age and over (included here for reference only) | per day | 116.00 | B |
2. Waste service – Additional pick-up fee for a specific bin size
Council currently offers an additional paid pick-up service for residents to have their domestic waste and recycling bins emptied. The fee for this service is variable depending on the size of the bin. The approved 2019/20 fees and charges included fees for the 80/120/240L bins but left out the fees for the 660L bins. The proposed amendment is the inclusion of the fee of $78.92 for emptying of the 660L capacity bin as shown in Table 3.
Table 2.1 Proposed additional fee 2019–20 – Waste services.
Category | Unit | 2019/20 Fee or Charge $ | GST | Pricing Policy |
Additional pick up 660 litre mobile garbage bin | per bin | 78.92 | Exempt | C |
Have your say
Waverley Council wishes to advise that proposed amendments to the Pricing Policy, Fees and Charges 2019-20 will be on public exhibition until 5pm 20 November 2019.
To comment, please submit your feedback in writing in any of the following ways by 5pm 20 November 2019:
Online: via the comment box below
Email: to
Post to:
Ross McLeod, General Manager
Waverley Council
PO Box 9, Bondi Junction, NSW 1355
Please note that all submissions will form part of Council’s public record and as such can be made available public viewing on request.
For more information, please contact Council's Customer Service Centre on 9083 8000.