Following public exhibition, the Code of Meeting Practice was endorsed by Council on 18 June 2019. The revised code can be found on Council's website here.
On 14 December 2018 the NSW Government set a Model Code of Meeting Practice which is a framework for the rules of conduct for council and council committee meetings in NSW. The Model Code is comprised of mandatory and non-mandatory provisions. As such, councils are required to adopt a new Code of Meeting Practice that reflects the Model Code by 14 June 2019.
At its meeting on 16 April 2019, Council adopted a draft Code of Meeting Practice for the purpose of public exhibition. The draft Code includes all mandatory provisions of the Model Code and some of the non-mandatory provisions. The mandatory provisions are in black text. These cannot be changed.
The non-mandatory provisions are in red text. Council may consider changes to these based on submissions made by the community. The draft Code also contains blue text which relates to regional organisations and county councils. The blue text does not apply to Waverley and will be deleted from the final Code.
The Draft Code of Meeting Practice will be on exhibition from Wednesday 24 April 2019 with submissions to be received no later than 9am, Wednesday 5 June 2019.
The Draft Code of Meeting Practice is available to view here or in the document library to the right of this page. To make a submission, complete the submission form below or email info@waverley.nsw.gov.au with the subject line 'Draft Code of Meeting Practice'.