Please note: If you wish to speak at a meeting of the Waverley Local Planning Panel (WLPP), please do not use this form. Please email the WLPP Coordinator at

Council and Council Committee meetings

Council and Council Committee meetings (the Finance, Operations and Community Services Committee and the Strategic Planning and Development Committee) are held in the Council Chambers, with some Councillors attending in person and others attending by video conference (Zoom).

If you wish to address a Council or Council Committee meeting, you may attend the meeting in person or address the meeting by Zoom.

Alternatively, you may email your comments directly to Councillors. See here for contact details.

To address a meeting, please complete the registration form below before 3 pm on the day of the meeting.

The following requirements apply when addressing a Council or Council Committee meeting:

  • Your speech must be about an item on the agenda.
  • Your speech must be no longer than 3 minutes.
  • You cannot ask questions of Councillors or staff.
  • Your speech will be live streamed.
  • Your name will be included in the minutes of the meeting.
  • Audio-visual presentations are not permitted.
  • Speakers must refrain from engaging in disorderly conduct, publicly alleging breaches of Council’s code of conduct or making other potentially defamatory statements.

If you address the meeting by Zoom, the following additional requirements and procedures apply:

  • You will be emailed a Zoom link for the meeting between 3pm and 5pm on the day of the meeting.
  • You should join the meeting at least 10 minutes before the scheduled start time.
  • Your name on Zoom should match the name you used to register.
  • Zoom’s waiting room feature will be used. Staff will admit you to the meeting, along with any other speakers registered for your item, when it is your time to speak.

Council and Committee meetings are conducted in accordance with Council’s Code of Meeting Practice.

Traffic Committee meetings

Traffic Committee meetings are generally held by video conference.

The meetings are not open to the public. However, members of the public can email submissions to and they will be forwarded to Committee members before the meeting.

What happens after I submit the online registration form?

You will receive an email confirming that you have registered to speak at the meeting, and your registration details will be provided to the chair of the meeting.

If you have registered to address the meeting by Zoom, you will receive an additional email containing the Zoom link and instructions.

Privacy Notice

Waverley Council is collecting and holding your personal information for the purposes of managing the Council or Committee meeting. The intended recipients of your information are Governance staff and the chairs of the meetings. The supply of your information is mandatory for meeting management purposes. If you do not provide your personal information, you will not be permitted to address the meeting. You have a right to access and correct the personal information you provide. Questions concerning privacy or the use of your personal information should be referred to

Registration Form