Project Description
Ruthven Street is a residential street situated in Bondi Junction which runs from Birrell Street to Oxford St. To meet community needs, Council is proposing to improve safety and traffic infrastructure, upgrade streetscape amenity, and provide additional parking in the area.
The design proposal includes:
- Traffic calming infrastructure
- Installation of a new continuous footpath treatment at the Birrell Street intersection, with two additional parking spaces on Birrell Street
- Introduction of angled parking on Ruthven Street with an increase of approx. 35 on street parking spaces
- Removal of speed humps
- Landscaping works
- Installation of 7 new trees
The community consultation will be open for feedback from 13 November - 11 December 2024.
Following a petition by residents of Ruthven Street to remove the rubber speed humps and improve safety and traffic infrastructure on Ruthven Street, Council resolved to investigate and further explore design options that would achieve the following outcomes:
- Removal of the existing speed cushions
- Angle and perpendicular on-street parking where space permits
- Alternate parking through a gentle street chicane
- Updated supportive signage
- Planted kerb islands with street trees
- Continuous footpath treatment at Birrell Street
The proposed design in the consultation has considered and incorporated these design amendments where feasible.
Proposed Design Layouts for Ruthven Street Improvements
Render of continuous footpath treatment at Ruthven St and Birrell St.