
Seven Ways - Consultation results and next steps

26 June 2019

Seven Ways consultation is now complete and the project had overwhelming support from those who participated.

Survey results

Overview: 142 surveys were received during the exhibition period with over 90% of respondents drawing from the local Bondi and North Bondi areas.

Over 90% of participants in the survey advised they liked the concept design with the main reasons being: the creation of usable space for the community, the look of the finishes and the design concept, and the creation of more green space with additional plantings and trees.

Main themes: Participants expressed opinions that the upgrade represents a good investment and pedestrianising Warners Lane is a positive outcome for the area. These views mirrored those expressed during an intercept survey at Seven Ways Village in late 2017.

The top issues raised were concerns around traffic, safety, pedestrians, buses and cyclists with suggestions to review the current traffic, road and safety arrangements.

Survey respondents made many suggestions for items that could be included in the design like public art, more play spaces, amenities like a bubbler, dog poles (to tie dogs to), bins and lighting, safety devices like a fence and design elements like natural finishes and flowers.

Survey respondents were also keen to see the space continue to be activated with things like performances, markets and art.

Next steps: The items suggested by the community will be assessed to see how or if they can be incorporated into the final design.

Council will also prepare tender documentation and engage a head contractor to deliver the project. It is anticipated the project will be completed by the end of November.