Project Update
Thank you to everyone who shared their feedback on the draft Plan of Management and Masterplan. All feedback has been considered and Council has now endorsed the Tamarama Park and Beach Plan of Management 2023.
During the Strategic Planning and Development Comittee meeting held on the 5 December 2023 Council adopted the Tamarama Park and Beach Plan of Management in accordance with section 40 of the Local Government Act 1993 and section 3.23(6) of the Crown Lands Management Act 2016.
What is a Plan of Management?
To ensure future generations can enjoy Waverley’s open spaces, it is important we have a sustainable approach to the management of our parks. Plans of Management (PoM) guide how community land is used, managed and improved.
Tamarama Park and Beach Plan of Management and Masterplan
Over the last 15 years, several significant capital works have occurred within Tamarama Park and Beach. Many of the projects and actions identified in the current PoM have since been addressed or completed. Some are underway or are continuous maintenance items. Others may no longer be relevant as expectations of recreational experiences evolve.
In 2022 we asked for feedback to help shape the revised PoM. This feedback has been used to develop a vision for Tamarama Park and Beach, and to establish key directions guiding future works. The vision and directions feature in Section 6 of the draft Tamarama Park and Beach PoM and Masterplan sets out an action plan guiding these works .
We're now seeking feedback on the draft PoM to make sure we've captured your ideas.
How to have your say - Feedback Closed
Take a look at the visions and directions and Draft PoM and provide your feedback via the survey below.
Feedback closes at 11.59pm, Sunday 5 November 2023.
From 10 May - 7 June 2022 we collected feedback on proposed ideas for the park to help shape the Tamarama Park and Beach PoM. Information provided during this round of consultation is available below.
The Consultation Report included in the Document Library contains a summary of all feedback received.