
November 2017 Update

3 November 2017

We are currently in the Data Compilation and Initial Community Consultation phase of the flood study. A key task of this stage of the project is collecting flood information from the community.

You can help!

A newsletter and questionnaire are currently being sent out to community members in Waverley. You can help us improve flood management by passing on any information you have about your flood experience in the catchment.

Any information is highly valuable and will help in verifying flood predictions and managing risks to our community.

Please take a minute or two to complete the questionnaire regarding your previous flood experiences in the Waverley LGA catchment. You can complete the questionnaire you received in the mail or complete it online via the link below . This information is strictly confidential and only used for the study.

Photos and video of any flooding in the catchment are also highly valuable. You can:


PO Box 1181

Ultimo 2007

Your assistance is greatly appreciated.

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