
Consultation report recommendations unanimously endorsed by Council

1 July 2020

On 30 June 2020, Council unanimously endorsed the following 13 design review principles developed from the public participation process and presented in the Consultation Report:

  1. Reduction of overall footprint of the building(s).
  2. Consider relocation of the Public amenities and Council facilities to within existing building curtilage
  3. Manage noise impacts through function room design, balcony size and acoustic design.
  4. Consider locating Dave Brown Place within existing curtilage.
  5. Minimise net loss of public open space and public green space.
  6. Investigate improved accessibility of the Coast Walk and Bronte Park.
  7. Address perceived privatisation of public space through improved design to the extent practical (with further consideration to be given to these issues through building management arrangements and lease conditions).
  8. Minimise impacts from building height and subsequent view loss.
  9. Address intensification of site including visitation, event, traffic and parking impacts through improved design to the extent practical (with further consideration to be given to these issues through building management arrangements and lease conditions).
  10. Provide justification/rationale for proposed bulk & scale, internal configuration and balcony size for any amended design proposal.
  11. Redesign to obtain a reduction in budget shortfall.
  12. Mitigate risk associated with coastal inundation and rising sea levels.
  13. Consider and respond to the inter-dependencies of the Bronte SLSC and Community Facilities project with the design and programming of the Bronte seawall restoration project.

These principles will now be used to design two proposals that respond to issues raised through the community consultation process. One of these proposals will focus on the specific controls incorporated within the Bronte Park and Beach Plan of Management (2017) and the other proposal should seek to modify the concept design that went to public consultation.