
Consultation results

24 June 2021

Thank you to everyone who participated in the community consultation. We had over 200 survey responses, 25 stakeholder meetings attendees and around 100 people spoken to at Have Your Say stalls.

You can see the full consultation report summary here.

The community consultation demonstrated overall support for the project with 58% of responders selecting yes to the proposed concept design without any changes. 36.5% said they would like to see changes and 11% said they did not support the design. The stakeholder groups and email submissions also supported the project but wanted to see some changes.

Key feature

Next step


Charing Cross village centre will become 40km/h


Some people wanted 30km/h, some were concerned about the effect on congestion; overall the 40km/h was supported.

Slip lane to be removed and signalised


Raised pedestrian crossings


There was overall support for this, however concerns were raised about: the location, pinch points for cyclists and the impact on congestion. Should consider moving further down Bronte Road.

A change in parking arrangements to allow for a safer crossing


As above: Should consider moving the pedestrian crossing further down Bronte Road to mid-block.

Powerlines will be moved underground


Council is proposing new trees and a range of garden beds and plantings


While trees and garden beds were generally supported, they should not block heritage facades and should not be allergenic like Plane trees.

Hanging baskets should be investigated.

New multipoles and upgraded lighting


Look for historically sympathetic options.

Historical features highlighted throughout the design.


The community would like to see more details on how this will work. Some suggestions included – plaques and aesthetic materials like pavers matching the old.

Widening and upgrading footpaths


Community supported the widening of footpaths to facilitate the introduction of trees and the potential for on-street seating without impacting parking.

New street furniture


Need to incorporate into the next design


Safety improvements at the intersection of Carrington Road, Bronte Road and Victoria Street.

This was the most common comment and needs to be addressed in the next stage of the design.

More information about Albion Street / Bronte Road upgrades.

It was not clear in this consultation how the proposed concept improved safety of all transport modes.

It should be noted that the design included the following:

  • Both kerbs were brought in so there was a shorter crossing for pedestrians.
  • Raising the pedestrian crossing across Bronte Road and the speed changing to 40km/h means cars will approach slower, giving vehicles coming out of Bronte Road the opportunity to turn.


Responders wanted to improve the area, create a safer environment for all pedestrians and encourage patronage at businesses. However, the community is unsure how this can all be done with the current congestion of transport and vehicles.