January 2025: Civil works and preliminary works update
Preliminary electrical works are ongoing in 2025 following a shutdown period over Christmas and New Year, with works expected to be completed by mid-May.
Trenching and the pulling of cable has been completed within Stages 1 – 3 and 50% of Stage 4. The contractor QMC recommenced the remainder of Stage 4 in January and will be completed in mid-February 2025.
Council has engaged an external contractor CA&I to undertake the civil works component of the project, commencing in late January 2025. Following minor preliminary works such as Macpherson Park and Bronte Road site establishments the main civil works will commence in early February. The Staging Plan Map provided in the documents section shows the overlap between stages to enable a smoother transition between construction activities. Completion of the civil works component of the project is expected to be late-November 2025, pending approved extensions of time by Council.
October 2024: Preliminary electrical works update
The preliminary electrical works have been progressing well despite some program setbacks due to delays from utility providers. These delays are outside of Council’s control and we continue to work with them to carry out electrical works as efficiently as possible. We appreciate the community’s patience during this time.
Stages 1-4 have progressed with trenching and laying of cables and conduits continuing, with the Contractor working on completing Stage 2. Low voltage pillar installation has commenced in Stages 1 and 3 and will be progressed as quickly as possible following the trenching and laying of cabling and conduits activities. Refer to the staging plan in the Important Documents section for a visual representation of each stage.
Currently the second phase of the project (Civil Works) is due to commence in February 2025. The community will be notified of the timing and commencement of these works at least four (4) weeks in advance via notification letters to local residents and businesses and updates to the Have Your Say page.
We appreciate the patience of the local community as these works progress.
August 2024: Preliminary electrical works update
Preliminary electrical works for the Charing Cross Streetscape Upgrade have been underway since June and the contractor is making steady progress along Bronte Road. Work continues to progress north towards the Carrington/Bronte/Victoria signalised intersection.
During the works there are impacts to on-street parking.
Whilst we are limiting these impacts on parking as much as possible, local businesses remain open and alternative parking in the nearby area can be found:
- Along Carrington Road with on-foot access to Bronte Road via Cables Place and Judges Lane (on-street parking is a No Stopping zone between 7:30-9:30am and 4:00-6:30pm Monday – Friday)
- At the Off-Street Parking Area off Victoria Street near the Mary Immaculate Catholic Church
We appreciate your patience during construction for this important work that will create a safer pedestrian experience and provide space for street furniture and outdoor dining.
June 2024: Preliminary electrical works
Council has now commenced the preliminary electrical works for the Charing Cross Streetscape Upgrade.
The Contractor, QMC, will start on the south-western end of Charing Cross, where Bronte Rd and Albion St meet, and work their way north per the staging plan included in the Important Documents section of this HYS Page. The anticipated completion for the works is mid-December 2024 pending weather and other extension of time requests approved by Council.
Council has also commenced the procurement of a civil works head contractor which will be reported to Council for approval. The scheduling of these works will be relayed to the community once a contractor has been appointed. This information will be issued in the usual channels by way of notification letters to local residents, and through updates to this HYS page.
Review of Environmental Factors (REF)
The REF is a detailed, peer-reviewed report that looks at all the factors impacted by a project, including socio-economic, traffic, heritage, sustainability and others.
Council received public feedback on the REF (including the detailed design plans) between 2 - 29 November, 2023.
We are currently consolidating all the feedback collected during this period to provide to our external consultants.
Please see the Important Documents section of this page for all REF peer review documents.
Previous Project updates
April 2023
At the Finance, Operations and Community Services Committee meeting of 4 April 2023, it was resolved unanimously that Council:
1. Approves the Charing Cross Streetscape Upgrade Design Intent, as set out in the report, to inform the detailed design with respect to the following components:
(a) Selection of appropriate tree species for heritage and non-heritage building facades.
(b) Street tree and furniture locations with consideration given to the Posted Awning Strategy.
(c) Material interpretations and treatments to acknowledge original kerb alignment within the widened footpath.
(b) Material detailing for lighting, hanging baskets and street furniture.
2. Delegates authority to the Executive Manager, Infrastructure Services, to modify the design should design constraints and on-site circumstances warrant changes.
3. Notes that:
(a) The Charing Cross Precinct Committee has been consulted in recent months, and its feedback has been considered for the development of the final detailed design.
(b) The detailed design will progress to final completion, and Council officers will proceed to advertising a tender for the project to undertake the construction works.
(c) The Review of Environmental Factors will be publicly advertised as legislatively required and the General Manager will make a decision on the project proceeding.
The report presented to Council can be found on page 36 of the Finance, Operations and Community Services Committee meeting Agenda of 4 April 2023. The resolutions can be found on page four of the Minutes of same meeting.
Please see below the background information on this project that has led us to this point.
June 2022 - project progresses to detailed design
At the Council meeting on 17 May 2022 it was resolved that Council:
1. Progresses Option 3 for the Charing Street Streetscape Upgrade to detailed design, noting the following key items will be addressed in development of the design as appropriate:
(a) Selection of tree species to vary and consider the heritage status of building façades.
(b) Completion of a posted awning review to inform locations of trees and street furniture items in detailed design.
(c) Undertake an options analysis on materiality interpretations to acknowledge the original kerb alignment within the widened footpath.
(d) Undertake an options analysis on appropriate lighting, hanging baskets and street furniture in the detailed design.
2. Engages with members of the community during detailed design development, including those from the Charing Cross Precinct that have shown significant interest in the project.
View the meeting agenda and minutes.
Consultation round 2
From 21 April - 19 May 2021 we went back to the community with draft concept designs for the streetscape upgrade. The objectives were to:
- Provide the community with clear information so their feedback on the proposed concept is specific and applicable
- Identify and work with stakeholders to refine issues and key elements of the project
Overall we received 433 submissions from the community, including 200 survey responses, 126 posts on the ideas board,and 107 pieces of face to face feedback. All feedback was compiled in a Consultation Summary Report.
How feedback was collected
- An online survey (see below)
- Ideas board (see below)
- An online community info session held on 6 May 2021
- Two Have Your Say days held to collect face to face feedback
- 30 April 2021 from 7.3-10.30am, opposite the Legions Club
- 1 May 2021 from 7.30-10.30am, opposite the Legions Club
Consultation round 1
In March 2020 we consulted residents and business owners in Charing Cross to make sure the scope of the project aligned with the community's needs. This feedback was used to inform the detailed concept design for the streetscape upgrade.