
September 2019 Update

30 June 2020

New Council processes created in July 2019 require the reporting of concept designs to Council, this occurred at the Operations and Community Services Committee Meeting on 3 September 2019. An audio recording of the meeting can be found online (via this link, opens in new tab), fast forward to 5:26 to hear Council's discussion on the community consultation summary and motions put forward by Councillors. Once finalised, minutes of the meeting can be found online (via this link, opens in new tab)

A motion tabled and moved includes the 'Security Risk Assessment' of the playground and the amendment of the concept design with consideration of the completed assessment. This motion has impacts on the playground, in particular to the design outcomes as well as the previously communicated project timeline.

Council Officers will continue to develop the playground and park as currently designed, however, please be mindful of the potential for delays and changes pending the outcome of the 'Security Risk Assessment'.